Cyber Protection (CYB)

In an age of rapidly growing cyber-crime, can you afford not to have Cyber Privacy & Security coverage?

Data Privacy/Network Security/Cyber Coverage

Did you know that, since 2004, 60% of data breaches have occurred at small to mid-sized businesses? 2015 is off to a historical start with two of the highest profile breaches in Anthem and Sony. In 2014 alone there were 295 breaches made public, compromising over 67 million personal records, and a staggering 816 million since 2005. A special onus has been placed on safeguarding client’s personal information as federal and state governments are proposing stringent new legislation to regulate breaches of privacy. In an age of rapidly growing cyber-crime, can you afford NOT to have Cyber Privacy & Security coverage?

cyber insurance liability protection

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Security & Privacy Liability

Responds to third party claims arising out of a breach of the insured’s Network Security or other private information. This includes coverage for paper and electronic information, virus attacks, denial of service, and failure to prevent transmission of malicious code.

Regulatory Defense & Penalties

Coverage for defense costs, fines and penalties for violations of privacy regulations, including, federal, state, local, and foreign investigative demands or civil proceedings.

Cyber Liability & Protection for High Net Worth Individuals

The average high net worth individual has over 20 entry points through the Internet of Things. Whether you own a smart home, a smart car, or a smart TV, or Alexa helps you play your music, you have created entry points for Cyber criminals. The high net worth carriers offer coverage up to $1M in limits to protect you from cyber fraud, cyber bullying, and cyber ransom. Learn more.

Media Liability

Provides coverage for both online and offline media, including claims alleging copyright/trademark infringement, libel/slander, advertising, and plagiarism.

Breach Response Costs

Provides coverage for first party data breach expenses including: breach coach/legal costs, computer forensic costs, notification, credit monitoring and call center services along with public relations and crisis management costs.

Cyber Extortion Coverage

Will pay extortion expenses and extortion monies as a direct result of a credible cyber extortion threat. This coverage also includes the cost of an investigation to determine the cause of the threat.

Cyber Business Interruption & Data Restoration

Provides first party coverage for loss of income, extra expense and the cost to restore damaged, deleted, or altered digital assets.

PCI Fines & Penalties

Provides coverage for fines and penalties levied by a card association or acquiring bank demanding monetary assessment due to the insured’s non-compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

Cyber Terrorism

Coverage for income loss and interruption expenses as a result of the total or partial interruption of the insured’s computer system due to a cyber terrorism attack.

    Learn More About Protecting Your Interests

    (516) 747-4100

    Request more information or an appointment with a risk management specialist.

    Cyber Protection (CYB)Directors & Officers Liability (D&O)Employed Lawyer’s Professional Liability (ELPL)Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)Management Liability (ML)Medical Malpractice (Med Mal)Miscellaneous Professional Liability (MPL)Personal LinesProfessional Liability (PL)Professional Liability (PL)

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