Patrick McKenna

Patrick McKenna

Patrick graduated Siena College, Cum Laude, with a B.A. degree in History and Minor in Computer Science. Incredibly, he was first hired by ARC while in high school to send out mail after school hours. Since then he climbed through the ranks to data input and intern broker during college breaks. And immediately upon graduation from college, was hired as a full time broker working directly for Principal Broker, Joe Vaccaro. Patrick is now a team member sustaining and growing a book of business by negotiating and determining the most competitive and competent coverage terms for clients. His focus is Management and Professional Liability, specializing primarily in Privacy and Security Liability. He took full advantage of the opportunity to build a career under the direct guidance of industry- respected and long-standing professionals and has grown into a valued member of the ARC family. Patrick actively participates in a Crossfit program as an athlete and trainer, but also depends on morning coffee and afternoon espressos to keep him running at full capacity.

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